Medical Weight Loss

Medical Weight Loss

Currently, we are unable to accept new medical weight loss patients due to reaching our capacity.

Non Surgical Weight Loss and Wellness at Southern Surgical

Southern Surgical is excited to introduce a comprehensive, medical weight loss program, tailored to fit your unique needs and health goals. Our dedicated team, led by Ashley Davis, FNP, and is designed to cater to your health and wellness goals.

Redefine Wellness for You

  • Personalized Approach: Every journey begins with a 30-45 minute comprehensive evaluation, ensuring a plan tailored just for you.
  • Customized Nutrition and Weight Loss Plans: Receive a diet plan designed to meet your specific nutritional needs and weight loss goals.
  • Option for Weight Loss Medications: Medications to assist your weight loss may be prescribed.
  • Ongoing Support: Follow-up visits ensure you stay on track and adjust your plan as needed.
Medical Weight Loss Clipboard

Innovative Weight Loss Injections

  • Advanced Medication Options: We offer cutting-edge weight loss injections like Wegovy, Ozempic, Mounjaro, and Zepbound.
  • Insurance Coverage: Your prescriptions may be covered under your insurance plan, making it affordable.

Supplement and Injections

  • Lipo Stat Plus B12 Injection: For $35.00, or buy 3 get 1 free at $105.00, boost your metabolism.
  • B-12 Injection: Priced at $25.00, or buy 3 get 1 free for $75.00, to support energy and well-being.

IV Therapy for Enhanced Wellness

  • B-Lean Program: A two-visit plan for $300.00.
  • Myers Cocktail: Available for $140.00.

A Less Invasive, Effective Approach to Weight Loss

Understanding that weight loss surgery isn’t for everyone, we offer a variety of effective non-surgical weight loss options. Our experienced medical professionals will work with you to develop a plan that suits your preferences and lifestyle.

  • Dietary Counseling: Expert guidance on eating habits for sustainable weight loss.
  • Exercise Plans: Tailored exercise recommendations to complement your dietary changes.
  • Medication Management: Assistance with medications to suppress appetite, boost metabolism, or reduce fat absorption.

Supporting Your Weight Loss Journey

We are committed to providing you with the support, guidance, and tools necessary for achieving your weight loss goals. Whether you aim to lose a few pounds or achieve significant weight loss, our medical weight loss options are designed to help you improve your overall health and well-being.